Sunday, 4 February 2007

Black N White

Name: Black n White


  • Electrical Tape
  • 600ml coke bottle
  • Masking Tape
  • 100 sparklers
  • Stanley Knife
  • Scissors
  • Detonator/Lighter/Match


  1. Cut open the coke bottle (in half)
  2. Make 5 Groups of 20 sparklers
  3. Bind each group with masking tape
  4. Bind all 5 Groups into 1 with masking tape; with flammable tape coming out of the middle
  5. Put all the ends of the sparklers out of the lid of the coke bottle
  6. Cut off the bottom of the coke bottle.
  7. Cover the outside in masking tape and then electrical tape
  8. Stick this thing into the ground, light the flammable tape and run
  9. Boom

Details: It is simply light and run... If you're lucky the sparklers/sparks will zoom into the air.

Don't try this if you're an idiot. You will more than likely get a severed hand. -


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